Saturday, December 10, 2011

A lista de ...

If I had to make a list of Top 20 albums, The Concert in Central Park's live album by Simon & Garfunkel would definitely be on that list.



Blogger d0t said...

Reza a lenda que estavam 500.000(!!) pessoas a assistir.

12 December, 2011 17:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! Ainda tenho o álbum do concerto em vinil.

13 December, 2011 00:15  
Blogger Sinapse said...

Paul Simon: Well, it's great to do a neighbourhood concert. I hope everyone can hear us. I hope that the sound is good. I hope we are blasting Central Park West and Fifth Avenue pretty much away. I just want to thank the Police Department and the Fire Department and the Parks Commissioner, and Ed Koch. [Audience boos, Garfunkel laughs]
Paul Simon: And particularly, you know, people that never get recognized for doing good things for the city, a group of people that have donated half of the proceeds that they're making tonight, the guys who are selling loose joints are giving the city half of their income tonight. [Simon laughs, starts to play "America"]

30 December, 2011 02:36  

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