Thursday, June 04, 2009

"Twitter, Adderall, lifehacking, mindful jogging, power browsing, Obama’s BlackBerry, and the benefits of overstimulation"

Ariadne, vejo que gostaste do artigo que enviei para o mundo virtual e respondo aqui à pergunta que me deixaste no facebook. Sim, li o extenso artigo atentamente até ao fim!
E, como tu, destaco esta frase: “What information consumes is rather obvious: It consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.”
E esta também, sobre a produtividade: "This is troubling news, obviously, for a culture of BlackBerrys and news crawls and Firefox tabs—tools that, critics argue, force us all into a kind of elective ADHD. The tech theorist Linda Stone famously coined the phrase "continuous partial attention" to describe our newly frazzled state of mind. American office workers don’t stick with any single task for more than a few minutes at a time; if left uninterrupted, they will most likely interrupt themselves. Since every interruption costs around 25 minutes of productivity, we spend nearly a third of our day recovering from them. We keep an average of eight windows open on our computer screens at one time and skip between them every twenty seconds. When we read online, we hardly even read at all—our eyes run down the page in an F pattern, scanning for keywords. When you add up all the leaks from these constant little switches, soon you’re haemorrhaging a dangerous amount of mental power. People who frequently check their e-mail have tested as less intelligent than people who are actually high on marijuana. Meyer guesses that the damage will take decades to understand, let alone fix."
Convido-vos a ler um artigo muitíssimo interessante, aqui.

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Blogger Ariadne said...

Mas pessoal que consome marijuana é menos inteligente?? Estou preocupada...

05 June, 2009 14:43  
Blogger Sinapse said...


05 June, 2009 14:55  

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