Friday, June 27, 2008

music and emotion

It's all about the music
"This is what people don't understand. There are such strong attachments to the songs that we have nothing to do with," he says. "I went to see Bruce Springsteen, and he played Promised Land. I was screaming! I was grateful to Bruce, but what was going on was what was in my life when I heard that song first. That's the humbling bit that performers don't want to admit to; they're only a small part of what's really going on."
Bono, U2
Não podia estar mais de acordo. Palavras inteligentes!



Blogger Periférico said...

E logo Promised Land, uma das minhas canções favoritas do Boss!!! ;-)

Sábias palavras


02 July, 2008 11:30  

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