Sunday, January 08, 2012

NY moments

I'm at Magnolia Bakery. A Spanish friend invited me for dinner, she wants to offer a tortilla dinner before I leave NY. I went to Magnolia Bakery to get the delicious banana-pudding for desert. If you haven't tried it, you don't know what you're missing. As I'm waiting to pay, ther's this guy picking-up his order. The waitress opens the box, with 6 cupcakes inside, for him to see the work they had done. The cupcakes read "Lory, will you marry me?". There is a collective Aaaawwh! echoing in Magnolia Bakery. He then shows everyone the engagement ring, that he would later place on the 6th cupcake. And every customer at the Bakery went aaawwh and ooooooh and aaaaah and "how romantic", "beautiful", "congratulations". In NY, these moments are common. Strangers that interact with you and then move on. New Yorkers can strike up a conversation with any stranger standing next to them. These tiny pieces of conversations float around everywhere, inconsequential comments, light as air. Even if only to say "I love your nail polish, what a great colour" or "love your boots!" or "what perfume are you wearing?". These are just a couple of examples that happened to me, when standing in line at a store, or walking in the street, at a restaurant or in the subway. I will miss this in Brussels, oh yes I will! Or maybe I'll bring a bit of NY to Brussels and end-up spooking a few Belgians with impromptu comments about nothing and everything!
* photo found on the web


Blogger Andorinha said...

Qdo entrei no National History museum a securitas da entrada vira-se e diz: nice dress!!
Where did you buy it?
How much did it cost?
80 bucks
e leva então, só então! uma cotovelada da colega que lhe diz "you shouldn't ask that!". A moça olha pra mim e pergunta: lady, did I offend you?
No, I don't mind.
See? diz ela à outra
E diz-me boa tarde e bom dia, como se ELA me tivesse acabado de me fazer um favor A MIM.
O que eu me ri! A Luna estava escandalizada e eu só me ria. Quem me dera que fosse assim na Holanda!
De qq forma, os americanos e os seus Oooooh my God! Oooooh qq coisa, são imbatíveis, e juro-te, que embora te compreenda e entenda perfeitamente, eu não sei se no teu lugar não mandava tudo pro caneco e ficava aí a curtir NY. Não sei mesmo! Beeeeeeijos, cá te espero!
(adorei o post!)

09 January, 2012 22:38  
Blogger Sinapse said...


16 January, 2012 16:04  
Blogger maria luis said...

:) ai que até fiquei arrepiada, que saudades disso!
bj, aproveita!!

16 January, 2012 19:06  
Blogger Sinapse said...

Agora já não dá para "aproveitar" mais nada ... faltam 15 dias e tudo vai ter sabor a despedida ... mas, sei que aproveitei muito muito muito os últimos 5 anos! :))


16 January, 2012 20:41  
Blogger Andorinha said...

Ao menos isso!

17 January, 2012 09:51  

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