Monday, February 22, 2010


Saturday night. A walk-up, leads you into a cozy restaurant. You feel you're entering someones house. Inside, choose the big table by the windows. You'll see NY pass by, in this patch of the West Village. A firetruck. Yellow cabs. People coming and going. An NYPD car. NY clichés passing by. And the music selection is perfect. Pure bliss. The food too. Try the asparagus as an appetizer. And the whole wheat pappardelle ragu. The best music and good food. A wonderful combination. De Santos.


Blogger Cortes said...

Been there. It is indeed EXCELLENT :)

22 February, 2010 02:40  
Blogger Claudia said...

Oh pá eu podesse era agorinha mesmo que ia outra vez ai...os teus ultimos fds têm deixado uma vontade de me mandar para ai outra vez...o mais incrivel de NY, para quem não vive ai como eu, é a nostalagia que se sente cada vez que nos lembramos de algum momento passado ai...é incrivel!!!!

23 February, 2010 00:37  

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